Increase the Weight of Homework and Quizzes on your Final Grade
Are you tired of your work not counting towards your final grade? Many teachers weight their classes so that the summative work (exams, projects) counts for around 80% of a final grade and formative work (homework, quizzes, pre-work) only counts for about 20%. In other cases, teachers will make one assignment worth between 50 and 100% of your grade for an entire quarter or semester. This is not fair to students because it does not give them a chance to improve upon their grade and make up for any mistakes they may have made on summative work. One bad grade can be detrimental to a student's final grade in a class. More formative work and weight placed on formative work will also hold teachers responsible for preparing their students well for exams and projects. In addition, stressing the importance of formative work in high school will be beneficial in later schooling such as college because even though professors may not grade formative work, it is necessary to be successful in their courses. If you think that this change in weighting needs to be made, go talk to your administrators and school board now!!