Innocent Until Proven Guilty! - End CAF in TN!
Erik Wiatr 0

Innocent Until Proven Guilty! - End CAF in TN!

786 signers. Add your name now!
Erik Wiatr 0 Comments
786 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Every year in Tennessee, thousands of innocent individuals are victimized by state civil asset forfeiture (CAF) laws that allow the government to forfeit private property with very limited due process including no criminal conviction. Beyond our state laws the federal government's equitable sharing program also victimizes innocent individuals and has been used in other states to undermine state laws that require criminal convictions and have actual due process.

Please sign this petition to declare to the State Representatives, State Senators, and Governor of the state of Tennessee to reform its CAF laws by requiring a criminal conviction before individual private property can be permanently forfeited. Further the state shall place a restriction on the federal government's equitable sharing program so it does not undermine our state laws once we have due process that includes innocent until proven guilty.

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