Dennis Serfilippi 0

Investigate New Haven City Hall!

73 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dennis Serfilippi 0 Comments
73 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Many New Haven residents, taxpayers, and members of the media have raised concerns with regards to unusual, and seemingly inexplicable, financial and non-financial developments within our City government. The most recent development is news the New Haven Board of Education signed a $100,000 separation agreement with its COO Will Clark. Some prior developments (the list is too long to include within this petition) include the following:

  • Attempts to borrow $250 million in pension obligation bonds at a time of rising interest rates.
  • New Haven Board of Police Commissioner’s refusal to remove a police academy cadet who had a history of domestic violence, and unacceptable use of firearms.
  • Numerous reports of UNITE Here backed Alders interfering with the progression/approval of development projects that don’t meet UNITE Here demands.
  • Refusal by City Hall to provide invoices supporting unexplained charges on the City of New Haven credit card.

To be sure, it’s possible the issues outlined above are nothing more than ‘politics’, or even incompetence. However, the optics are not good. And the refusal by city officials to provide explanations and respond to FOIA requests serves to magnify suspicions. Therefore, we the people of the City of New Haven call on our State and Federal authorities to investigate City Hall. This is OUR City, and we deserve to know the truth.

Dennis Serfilippi

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