It Is Time to Ban E-Scooter in Singapore

It is time to ban E-Scooter. These are dangerous today and will be even more dangerous in the years to come when technology improves.
Most of the riders today are quite irresponsible and lately the 70 kph demonstrated the point. They do not have any insurance. They do not know the highway code of being on the road meant for licensed users.
I have seen, and can safely say many others too, that these E-Scooterists would utilize both pedestrians walk path and road meant for vehicles, whenever they feel it was convenient. They are nuisance and worse a danger to park users. As a motorist I really do not know what to expect of them in terms of road practices.
As it is, LTA is short of manpower to police irresponsible cyclists who had caused so many accidents to pedestrians.
Let us not be politically correct about this. Let us nip this problem at the bud before it really gets out of hand.