It Stops Here

On September 25, 2018, We, Mallard Creek High School Volleyball Team, played Lake Norman High School (LNHS) in a regular season conference game. For 2 hours, 5 sets, we endured racist and sexist chants as well as personal attacks from LNHS's spectator section. We don't want any High School player in any sport to ever face what we faced. Please sign our petition demanding that the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) create and enforce severe punishment for any school that encourages and refuses to address player harassment and intimidation.
By signing this Petition, you are also taking the following Pledge:
I pledge to create and support a positive competitive environment at any High School sporting event. I will never make negative comments or chants toward players, coaches and fans. I will not accept that behavior from any other spectator. I will ask school administrators to immediately address any spectator who is using hurtful language or gestures. I pledge to stand up against player harassment and intimidation.
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