I/We Stand with Next STEPP

The Next STEPP Center - Services to Those Experiencing Pregnancy or Parenting - provides culturally responsive, easily accessible services to women, men, teens and families in Midtown and surrounding So. St. Petersburg communities who face unintended pregnancy and related pregnancy or parenting challenges. They provide practical, social, emotional and spiritual support as requested to those served. As a pregnancy medical clinic operating under the direction of a licensed physician, the center provides pregnancy testing, obstetrical ultrasound, sti/std testing, health & wellness information and referrals for free well-woman exams.
Participants also receive support beyond the pregnancy experience including parenting education, community referrals, housing stability programs, practical resources such as diapers, wipes, baby food/formula/clothes and items such as bassinets, car seats, strollers, etc. All services are free of charge, confidential and available regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, orientation, marital or economic status.
Next STEPP expands its ability to reach and serve the community through partnerships with organizations and agencies like USF St. Pete Family Studies Center, Healthy Start at Johns Hopkins-All Children's Hospital, Black Health Equity Alliance, Life Skills Empowerment and Development Services, Healthy Start Coalition of Pinellas County, and others. Additionally, the center has been at the forefront in working untiringly for the past 20 years with community organizations to address racial inequities in maternal mortality, birth outcomes and infant mortality rates in an effort to eliminate racial disparities.
Therefore, I/we sign this petition and stand in support of The Next STEPP Center as an important and vital service in the city of St. Petersburg for over 28 years.