The Jacksons Victory Tour 1984 on DVD and Blu-Ray

The Victory Tour 1984, was the biggest and final concert tour of the United States and Canada by The Jacksons. Beginning July 6, 1984, and ending on December 9, 1984.The tour featured 55 concerts, to an audience of approximately 2 million. It was named after the newly released Jacksons' album Victory although none of the album's songs appear on the tour's set list (Marlon confirmed it was because Michael refused to rehearse or perform them). The tour reportedly grossed approximately $75 million and set a new record for the then-largest grossing tour. The 1984 Victory Tour showcased Michael's single decorated glove, black sequined jacket and moonwalk, which captivated audiences around the world early in 1983, just about a year prior. Following a controversy with the way tickets were purchased, lead-singer Michael Jackson donated his proceeds (approx. $5 million) from the tour to three charities, including the T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia and Cancer Research, The United Negro College Fund, and Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times. Aside from a few months in mid-1975, the Victory Tour era marked the only time that all six Jackson brothers worked together at the same time as a band. Jackie Jackson missed most of the tour because of a leg injury. That injury was described at the time as a knee injury incurred during strenuous rehearsals. Margaret Maldonado (the mother of two of Jermaine Jackson's children) has alleged that Jackie in fact broke his leg in an automobile accident In any case, Jackie made a speedy recovery and was able to rejoin his brothers on stage for the last portion of the tour. Michael sang all the lead vocals, except for a medley of Jermaine's solo hits. Eddie Van Halen made at least one special guest appearance, reprising his "Beat It" guitar solo. Because, this was the biggest and final tour by all6 Jacksons, having this on DVDwould be a wonderful way to honor the Legacy of Michael Jackson.
Lead Performers
Randy Jackson: vocals, assorted percussionJermaine Jackson: vocals, bassTito Jackson: vocals, guitarMichael Jackson: vocalsMarlon Jackson: vocals, percussionJackie Jackson: vocals, percussion (First performance in the Quebec concerts)Band members
Music director:The JacksonsDrums: Jonathan MoffettGuitars: David Williams, Gregg WrightKeyboards: Rory Kaplan, Pat Leonard & Jai Winding