James Pearce as Trustee of the Sugar House Community Council

We, the undersigned residents of the above referenced neighborhood, being 18 years of age or older, hereby nominate the petitioner to represent our district on the Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees for a three-year term.
The SHCC is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers. Participants of the SHCC are trustees of the organization and are responsible for the well-being of the organization. Trustees are expected to have read the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws (available on our website www.sugarhousecouncil.org) to be familiar with our rules and guidelines.
1. Attend SHCC meetings on a regular basis and inform the secretary in advance of absence
2. Is an active member, willing to share ideas and perspectives and achieve consensus
3. Behaves according to our rules of ethics and civility to presenters and other trustees
4. Volunteers for task assignments relevant to the SHCC’s work
5. Follows through on tasks or other commitments made to the SHCC Trustees in a timely and responsible way
6. Participates in activities, events and training
7. Serve on at least one SHCC Committee
8. Considers an annual contribution of at least $60 to help fund the work of the SHCC