Joe Cecot removed from Infinity Ward

But this is by far the worst Multiplayer i ever played in a CoD game. Terrible maps, campers everywere, weird netcode, unbelivable 1-frame-deads all the time.
How can a developer release a game like this?
And how can people enjoy this game online? I really not understand that.
Tbh idk how they released this garbage. The multiplayer is trash af and theres nothing we can do about it and i doubt they are gonna fix much of anything because they are catering to 10 year olds who shouldnt even be playing.
You lost your whole fan base my releasing a trash multiplayer game like this. it doesnt even feel like call of duty anymore. super slow movement. everyone's camping. it don't matter what gun you use. you wil instant die in 2 bullets. nobody plays the objective. everyone plays for their killstreaks, so they stick to camping. You guys messed this game up real bad. like real real bad.They need to stop ignoring the community. Lets vote so either Joe Cecot is fired so someone else can fix it or they fix the problems the community is addressing, lets make call of duty great again
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