S T O P - Rezoning of Agricultural Land at 5063 Jones Baseline Rd - LINKS Below! HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!
Neighbours WE need your H E L P! This Rezoning WILL happen without your SUPPORT!
Please help us protect our Agricultural and Environmentally Protected land in the Guelph/Eramosa Township.
Minus Forty located in Georgetown has submitted an application to the Township of Guelph/Eramosa for rezoning 5063 Jones Baseline from Agricultural and Environmentally Protected land to Rural Industrial to build a manufacturing facility on 27 acres of land, approximately 4 TIMES the size of an average Costco!
The impact could be tremendous on drinking water supply that is presently rated HIGH RISK, the environment, loss of agricultural land, and increased pollution and traffic on our roads with higher noise levels.
If this re-Zoning to RURAL INDUSTRIAL is approved at 5063 Jones Baseline Road, then other land zoned Agricultural in your area could be next!
For more assistance and information please contact us at:
Facebook site - Jones Baseline Community Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/191778532990265
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonesbaselinecommunity/
Wellington Drinking Water Threat Chart: