Cyndi Kimble 0

Justice for fur babies

1059 signers. Add your name now!
Cyndi Kimble 0 Comments
1059 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

As some of you know and others might not know the two people listed in this petition had over 300 animals removed from their possession! Some did not make it unfortunately but the ones that did make it and are waiting to be able to be adopted need to have justice for the horrific treatment they received! They were found in unsanitary and horrible conditions with no water, food, covered in feces the list probably goes on! I know some wonderful ladies that have been fighting for justice for at least 2 years and so far all that has happened is the surrendering of animals except for 10 dogs in brads possession and Andrea giving up her license to breed. This is not acceptable! These animals deserve better and these two people should have to pay the price for what they put these animals through! Please sign the following petition that will be personally taken to States Attorney Farha! Let’s let him know we won’t be silenced until justice is served!!!!

We, the undersigned, Petition for Gary L. Farha, Adams County States Attorney, to file charges against Andrea Hapke and Brad Kestner for animal cruelty and neglect. Let’s bring some justice for these poor fur babies! Let’s be their voice!

*NOTE: it was brought to my attention about after submitting signature you are asked to contribute! Please know this money does not go towards the cause but to ipetitions. I was unaware when I made this petition that this feature was there and how it looked to be donating to the cause. Please know no money goes towards these animals by signing this petition if u contribute! You are able to sign without contributing to ipetitions! If you have contributed please contact ipetitions to request refund of payment! If you would like to donate to this cause please inquire through Facebook

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