After reading the article pertaining to Michael Manzo, whose charges have been dropped by the feds. It totally disgusts me that my dear friend Philip Kenny, who was never arrested, but instead pled guilty to accepting checks from Mr. Dwek, received a one-year sentence, which he completed last May, and two years federal probation -- for exactly the same charges as Mr. Manzo. Philip Kenny was running for councilman at the time and was still charged under "the right of color." He was not in office at the time and was still held accountable, I cannot understand the reasoning of Judge Linares, who is also the one that dismissed Mr. Manzo's charges and only gave Jimmy King probation, who was charged with taking a greater sum of money. I think that someone should take the feds to task and have all charged dismissed against Phil Kenny, and give him his life back. He is one of the most honest and kind-hearted people I know, and I am disgusted at the fact that he has suffered to the degree he has. I wholeheartedly feel was railroaded into pleading guilty. Please help in getting JUSTIVE FOR PHILIP KENNY