Justice for Qasim Burton - NO BAIL for his accused murderers
Please move to deny bail and provide sufficient evidence in support of the denial of bail in the interests of community safety.
16 Year old Qasim Burton was robbed from his life on the 21st December 2019. His accused murderers are still walking our roads like nothing happened. It is hard to imagine anything more devastating. Our child has died. What
is worse, our child has died by the actions of another. His life has been
taken from them in an act of violence.
From the moment we discover what has happened to our child,
everything changes. Our heart breaks for what our child has endured. We
are likely to be in a state of shock and perhaps disbelief. If only this was a
mistake; if only this had not happened – but it has.
Surviving the shocking and sudden death of our child in this way might
feel impossible. His trail was suppose to start 19 October 2020 but was postponed to the 18th November 2020. We just want Justice for him.