Justice For Tyrone L. Kemp

M name is tyrone l. Kemp i servd 17 1/2 years in prison for a crime that i did not commit. I have been home for almost 7 years and its difficuult for me considering that i am still being punished. Here is my story:
In June of 1991 a armoured truch was held at gun point by two men. I was identified by a 12 year old kid that claimed he saw me six blocks away. His identification was tantied and the guard that got robbed never said it was me and i resembles the guy.
No one ever id the second guy that was suppossed to have been involved.here are some facts
1. The lawyer that was present during a line up signed his name and said that he did not agree with the line up. He is a judge now Bruce Morrow and he says he will stand by his signature.
2. There were several witnesses that were not called to court that actually saw me during the tme of the crime.
3. finger prints were left on a pair of glasses the police never investigated this case. I have pictures of the two guys that were seen at the crime scene. a witness said i was not either of the guys that committed the crime.
4. a witness that saw the two men run pass him gave the police the name of one of the guys and they went to a apartment looking for the guy but never told the jury they had other suspects
5 i was denied fair legal representation because my attorney is now a chief judge and she was ineffective for not even doing a investigation. I saw her like a week before trial. For 6 months she did not respond to any letters i sent to her
I passed a polygragh exam givin by michigans reputed best. He passed me because i am telling the truth.
I need a pubic out cry. I need people to get involved by signing this petition i have documents to futher prove the validity of what i am saying. Plese feel free to contact me for more details 734-833-8482 Tyrone kemp