For nearly 25 years a precious little girl I call Delta Dawn has remained unidentified. A nameless child, whom no one seems to claim. Delta Dawn was barely two years old when she was the victim of a terrible crime. On or around December 03, 1982 she was thrown off the Interstate 10 bridge into the river below near Pascagoula, Mississippi. For the past year I have written letters to AMERICA\'S MOST WANTED asking them to please feature her story on their show so that she may get the national exposure that she desperately needs. Unfortunately, AMERICA\'S MOST WANTED has not responded. I believe that if the public were made more aware of this case, it would have a better chance of getting solved and an innocent little girl\'s identity would be reclaimed. Someone knows who this little girl is or knows who is responsible for her horrible death. Without public awareness her name will be forever elusive and her killer(s) will remain forever free. Everyone has a name and deserves to be remembered by that name, just as every criminal has a motive and deserves to be punished for that crime. Please sign this petition so that I may forward it to AMERICA\'S MOST WANTED once enough signatures have been obtained. Thank you for your kindness and support. May Delta Dawn get the justice she deserves!