Save Kakaygeesick Bay
Donald Kakaygeesick 0

Save Kakaygeesick Bay

245 signers. Add your name now!
Donald Kakaygeesick 0 Comments
245 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We need your support to help save our ancestral land from Red Lake Tribal Council. They will evict myself and my 88 year old mother which will make her and my family homeless on October 15, 2010 Kakaygeesick bay has been around since the forming of Warroad and we named the village Kah-Bay-Kah-Nong which means Warroad. Everyone should take pride in the fact we have a long history here. Our grandfathers fought the Sioux here. We deserve this land through our ancestry. We continue to practice our culture here on this land. Sweat-lodge ceremonies and sometimes small pow-wows. Our great grandfather was considered a leader for the entire Ojibwa Nation. We are victims of fraud and thievery perpetrated by Red Lake Tribal Council. We have enough evidence and facts to say this. A statement by the Red Lake Tribal Realty Officer Harlan Beaulieu stated "We will just come in and take it" is coming to pass. Please sign and leave comments, your input is very much appreciated.


Donald Kakaygeesick


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