Justice for Kaleb
Caprina Wakefield 0

Justice for Kaleb

602 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Caprina Wakefield 0 Comments
602 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Our son Kaleb was shaken when he was only 4 months old. The likelihood of him surviving that night was slim to none. But we were blessed when he pulled through that night. Kaleb had been, for all intense purposes, developmentally "reset" back to a newborn. Kaleb is now 20 months old and although he is making progress he is still developmentally delayed. He has come through so much in his short little life. And now the person who admitted to nearly killing him is up for parole April the 2nd, 2009. We have the opportunity to write letters in opposition and to urge the parole board to NOT ALLOW HER TO BE RELEASED FROM PRISON AFTER JUST 6 MONTHS. Please sign this petitoin in support of requiring her to serve the 7 year sentance imposed in a court of law. Or you may also email dirctly to the parole board at presha.plotner@doc.mo.gov If you choose to send a note directly, below is a sample letter to get you started: To whom it may concern, I am a family member or friend of little Kaleb Wakefield and his family and wish to express my concern about the upcoming decision to release Rebecca Lynn Harris from custody. Her actions nearly cost Kaleb his natural life and they did cost him the life of who he was born to be. Rebecca will tell you that she has no prior records and therefore should be given leniency. She offered NO leniency for Kaleb the afternoon she choose to assault and abuse, nearly killing a 4 month old baby. As a direct result of her actions he has been maimed, blinded, scared and crippled Kaleb. I beg you please, do not offer Rebecca leniency and uphold her sentence as it was imposed in a court of law. Please send a message to all that shaking a baby will not be tolerated in our society. Please do not give this woman one more minute than necessary in society where she will have the opportunity to do this to another innocent child. Respectfully submitted, Your Name Here Offender ID: 01181812 (hearing date 4/2/09) Our family would very much appreciate your support. Please get as many of your friends to participate as well. Help us take a stand against those who abuse children. Kaleb may not have a voice in this but we can speak for him.

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