Keep 'Crusaders' at Clarke University
In recent months, a small group on the Clarke University campus has been discussing and vying to remove "Crusaders" from the institutions identity. The argument for change is: "the designation of "crusaders" points to a painful and brutal chapter in the history of religious conflict [the crusades occurred between 1095-1291AD] and intolerance."
While the Catholic Church does have this dark stain in its history, the
Crusader, as it is understood by many is a term that represents
positivity and
bravery. Defined, a crusader is also "a person who campaigns vigorously
for political, social, or religious change; a campaigner". Common
synonyms for crusader include: campaigner, fighter, champion, and advocate.
In essence, a
Crusader is aligned with the BVM Core Values.
The removal of the name Crusader (the identity of the institution), that so
many students, faculty, staff and alumni resonate with, would be a serious
abandonment of what and who has made Clarke so great.
The undersigned request that Cabinet continue using the name
"Crusaders" both on campus and in athletics. If you choose to remain anonymous, please add your graduation year to the comments. Thank you.