Keep Hector M. Morales, Jr as the Sherwood Soccer Coach
Coach Morales' contract as Sherwood HS Varsity Soccer Coach has been terminated. Although the personnel issues used are unclear, what is crystal clear is Coach Morales commitment to the Sherwood soccer program, past and present players, its student body and the Sherwood community at large.
Coach Morales has a long standing body of work at Sherwood and in our community of molding soccer players while developing productive young men. He brings a passion, dedication, toughness, knowledge, experience, success and a big heart to coaching that is unprecedented. These characteristics make him the only person for the job! He has positively impacted more young men then one will ever know. As you read this, you likely have your own story to tell of how Coach has impact you or someone you love on and off the field.
Please join the petition to support Coach Morales and keep him as the Sherwood Soccer Coach by adding your signature below. Make sure to pass this petition along to everyone you can!