Keep Hesby Safe

Mr. Tarakhchyan:
In light of recent events - the horrific violence at schools around the country and more specifically the threat posed to Hesby by an expelled student just the other day - we are desperately seeking more regular and proactive communication, as well as a detailed review and update on the protocols and safety measures being taken to keep our kids safe.
We need a community meeting to discuss the concerns openly, honestly, and directly. This should take place before the school year ends.
You've indicated that the School Operations Committee is constantly re-evaluating and making appropriate adjustments to protocols, but without more rigorous communication and insight regarding these procedures, parents cannot have the confidence we need to send our kids to school. The lack of transparency is adding to a growing sense of anxiety within the Hesby community.
Regarding the recent threat made by the expelled Hesby student, we would like to know the following:
- Based on conversations with other parents, we understand that you were notified of the threat last week. If this is the case, when did you report the threat to the district and the appropriate authorities? Was it prior to the end of the year party on 6.3.22 (which was an open event, presumably with no additional security measures taken)?
- Why did parents first officially learn of the threat from you at 9:45 AM on 6.6.22 via email/phone when some parents were already circulating information about the threat over the weekend and prior to drop-off this morning?
- What is the protocol regarding a potential threat?
- What specific steps have been taken in compliance with this protocol?
- Who is responsible for the investigation and how do they determine the credibility of the threat?
- What additional security measures will be taken this week?
More broadly as we move forward:
- Who/what organization is responsible for the existing safety protocols at Hesby?
- Are those detailed protocols accessible in writing for parents? Where can we find it?
- How often do these protocols get evaluated? By whom?
- When are the Hesby teachers/administrators trained? How often? Does the training at Hesby include LAUSD staff who float between schools?
- What additional measures are being considered in light of recent events, particularly in Texas?
Simply put, how can we be assured that it is safe to send our children to Hesby for the remainder of the school year and beyond? The current system is not working.
Concerned Hesby Parents