Keep Mr. Leija in Chemistry
Reynaldo Leija has been teaching chemistry at Elkins High School for 7 years with a total of 10 years of experience. In those 7 years, he has become one of the best teachers at the school and always has his students' best interests in mind. However, over the past couple of years, Mr. Leija has received a lot of negativity from other adults in the school and district for no reason. He will be kicked out of chemistry and will have to teach forensic science next year, without any justification for this change. Teachers with less experience will be taking over his job.
As students, we are the ones who directly experience the effect of Mr. Leija's teaching. So why did administrators decide to move him out of course without even consulting the people who learn in his classroom every day? If the school truly did have the students' best interests in mind, they would take the time to see how Mr. Leija teaches every single one of his students to the utmost of his ability. Chemistry is his passion, and he makes it so enjoyable and interesting to so many students. Despite the circumstances, he always comes into the classroom with a humorous and engaging attitude. His courtesy to all is unmatched, and he treats everyone equally and fairly. Mr. Leija has not received the appreciation he has rightfully deserved over the past couple of years, and that cannot go unnoticed.
So to Elkins, our principal, the superintendent of FBISD, Mr. Leija is one of the best teachers you will find, and preventing him from teaching what he loves is surely not something you should have on your agenda. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads or signs this.