Keep Ms. Roth at DCIS Montbello

Ms. Roth should stay in the school because every student in school trust her more than any other teacher in the entire school. When it comes to students she is their safe spot to talk to or to give advice when it comes to teaching or life. She puts in so much effort to help us learn but also make it fun and actually make us want to learn. A.M.
You can’t take away a teacher who means everything to us Z.C.
Ms. Roth tried harder than any of the other teachers and really cared about our education. She really wanted us to have more fun and more experience while learning in her class. She really cared about her students not just their learning but about their outside life. She is my favorite teacher and without her there school will not be the same and will just get worse every day. M.P.
Ms. Roth makes every kid laugh and she brings good vibes to the school. When you don’t feel good she still comes to school and makes all of the students happy. E.G.
Bring Ms. Roth back. She is a great teacher and all of the students love her. The school will suck without her. A.A.