Keep our children safe at Aurora Heights
The parents and community of Aurora Heights Public School (AHPS) are greatly concerned for our children's safety. The traffic hazards out front of the school place our children at high risk of serious injury every day. There is no stop sign, cross walk or crossing guard to ensure our children can cross the street safely. Cars speed down the street and people make illegal u-turns without looking or slowing down to consider who else is walking or driving around them. These are just a few examples of the careless driving that has been observed in front of our school. AHPS has been identified as having one of the worst traffic conditions in the region. Traffic studies have been completed. This has been brought to the attention of Town Council and other town officials but nothing is being done. We can't wait for one of our children to be hit by a car and seriously injured or be killed. Please sign this petition to have a stop sign installed at the intersection of Tecumseh and Kitimat. With your help, we can make the front of our school safer for our children. Thank you.