Keep Parking the Same!
Parking passes have been a standard at Franklin High School for a long time. As students get older they get better parking passes. Having designated parking spots allows all students to feel secure in the way they get to school and were they park. Getting rid of parking passes will cause countless amounts of problems. For example, students will not know whether or not they will be able to park where they usually park everyday. This will cause even more stress than students experience everyday. Furthermore, not having a designated spot will cause everyday changes in traffic patterns. If a student comes to school and they can not find a spot or their regular spot is taken, they will have to drive around campus searching for a spot. This will increase chances that accidents occur at school. In addition, after school sports and extra curricular activities will be affected. Irregularity in where students park will cause changes in their ability to get to their respected activities. No parking passes overall will lead to everyday competition at school. Students will get even less sleep than they already do just so they can get to school incredibly early to secure their desired spot. The best case scenario for free parking is that after a couple weeks of chaos, stress, and uncertainty students will begin to park in the same spots everyday. However, if this the case, why would we not just keep it as it is now? Open parking will cause problems for everyone involved. New drivers will be faced with stressful situations everyday. Older students will no longer receive priority. Students will get less sleep in order to get to school earlier. Chances of crashes will increase. Overall, there will now be more problems for everyone including both students and administrators. This will not be beneficial it will be detrimental!
Please share this with everyone so we can get this changed