Tell California Coastal Commission: Re-evaluate sea level rise now, not 2035

In a unanimous vote on July 16, 2020, the CCC approved SoCal Edison’s Inspection and Maintenance Program (IMP) that’s meant to ensure the utility company can adequately inspect, monitor and ultimately transport the Holtec canisters used to store the highly radioactive waste material.
The approval essentially allows Edison to continue storing spent fuel from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) through 2035—when it must resubmit an application to either retain, remove or relocate its dry storage facility, formally referred to as the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, or ISFSI.
At that time, according to Alison Dettmer, senior deputy director of the Coastal Commission, the application renewal must also include an updated evaluation of coastal hazards and potential on-site or off-site storage options for the fuel.
Edison’s ongoing work to decommission and deconstruct SONGS, she said, could open alternative sites to relocate the ISFSI where there’s lower risk of coastal hazards compared to its current location—within about 100 feet from the sea wall of the plant’s site.
“If by the year 2035, there is no off-site storage option, the commission will, as part of its review of Edison’s amendment application, consider if this ISFSI should be relocated to a higher elevation on-site to minimize coastal hazards and until an off-site repository is available,” she said.
That time has come, and we can't wait any longer to begin the lengthy process of relocating the ISFSI to higher ground. When the Commission approved the Coastal Development Permit in October, 2020, it required Edison to accelerate the completion of its Inspection and Maintenance Program. Now we are asking the CCC to do the same thing with evaluating sea level rise. We must accelerate that timeframe due to the quickly evolving situation at the tsunami wall.
Time is not on our side. We are relying on the Coastal Commission to do the right thing before it is too late.
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