Keep Scott Grant in prison!
Dawn hayes 0

Keep Scott Grant in prison!

5127 signers. Add your name now!
Dawn hayes 0 Comments
5127 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

In 1985 Scott Grant was one of two men that raped, beat, murdered and dismembered 17 yr old Michelle Marie Hayes. He was found guilty and he was sentenced to 11- 40 yrs in prison. Scott wants to be paroled and is up for another parole hearing in April 2016. It has been Michelle's families wish that Scott serve every bit of the 40 yrs. I realize one day he will be released but I think we have a duty to Michelle to keep this monster locked up as long as our laws allow. When the day comes Scott is released he won't have to register as a sexual predator. That alone is unreal. Please make your voice heard. Please sign and share this petition. This is a completely new petition, even if you have sighed in the past we desperately need you to sign this one. This is the only petition that will be going with me to the parole board in April. Thank you so much for remembering Michelle ❤️.

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