![Keep Snow Days for Our Children! Don't let them steal anymore memories from our babies! Even our kids need a break from all that covid has taken!](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/keep-snow-days-for-our-children-dont-let-them/1b09754b4c57d8010c7199e4559eea43.jpg)
Keep Snow Days for Our Children! Don't let them steal anymore memories from our babies! Even our kids need a break from all that covid has taken!
I'd like you to pause for a minute. Now try to recall what it felt like as a child on the first snow day of the year! Can you feel the excitement build as you hear school is canceled? What's your next move? Do you peer out the window to see how much snow is on the ground? Do you rush around to find warm clothes or put on your coats and gloves to rush outside? Can you remember the joy in building your first snowman, throwing your first snowball, or simply laying back in the cold snow to make a snow angel? What about wrapping your frozen fingers around the mug of hot chocolate and sipping on the delicious sweetness as a feeling of warmth begins to thaw you out? Now imagine those memories being ripped away from you in a year when every ounce of normalcy has been taken away little by little! That is what our school district is wanting to do to our children. In a time when it's been statistically proven that mental health issues are on the rise in children due to the stressors of covid. A time when many memories from family holidays, to sports, and playing with friends have already been taken! A snow day puts nobody at risk; however, what it does do is allow our children a little piece of normalcy in a time when that's hard to come by.
I even more so than most understand the importance of making sure our children get the education they need. My daughter wakes up at 7:30am every morning to log into class by 9am. She then spends the rest the day until 5:30pm doing zoom meetings, school work and after school help to ensure that she's keeping up with other kids in her class. But by taking away snow days from our children in an attempt to make up for the educational deficit this year has caused we our in fact causing more strain on the mental health and well being of our kids! When that responsibility should not be handed down and put on the shoulders of our already fragile children. 2020 has been hard on every adult now imagine how it feels to be a child during this time! Please help me in showing your support and signing this petition in an effort to keep some normalcy in a very abnormal year. Thank you!