To all of our friends in Stonemill Farms, the Washington County School Board (WCSB) is in the midst of planning new middle school boundaries for our children with initial board discussions going on now. It was made clear at the meeting that only the voices of parents and families in the community will be able to influence the outcome of the boundary decision outside of any opinion from board members.
For those of you who don’t know, there are currently 3 plans under consideration by the WCSB. Plan G would result in Stonemill Farms being split down the middle with homes south of Lake Road moving to the Cottage Grove Middle School boundary area. In order to stop Plan G from impacting the fabric of our relationships in Stonemill, we need every family in our community to get involved and send a letter to the school board voicing our shared concern. We are also asking that you sign this petition to keep Stonemill at Lake Middle.
While not every family would be impacted by the adoption of Plan G regarding children attending a new school, the disruption to the relations developed at Liberty Ridge and the value that the continuity of our school and neighborhood provides to our kids would be devastating.
Please Help!