Keep the Goodall family in New Zealand

I am Sarah Goodall. I am 14 years old. My mother has breast cancer and the New Zealand Immigration Department decided she is too expensive for the government so they want to send her back to Buenos Aires. I started school for the first time last year (I used to be home schooled) and made a lot of friends at the Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School, where I am now. If my mum is sent back to Argentina I, my two sisters and my dad will go with her because we are family. We will go through this together. This will be a tremendous loss for all of us - my sisters are 11 and 9 years old, and they would miss their newfound friends a lot. I have moved countries various times and would be heartbroken to move again, especially from this amazing country of ours: Aotearoa. We came here in the first place to get away from the unstable Argentine Government and are faced with another problem - the New Zealand Government. When my family and I came here my mother had not been diagnosed with cancer and like every other family who has a loved one with this, it shook our small world. When I am older, I want to go to Ara Institute and explore my natural aptitude for art - something I would not be able to in Argentina. After my mother beats cancer, she wishes to become a Spanish teacher, yet again, contributing to our community.It would mean the world to us if we could stay in this beautiful country. Contact me at sarahmaygoodall@gmail.com