![Denver Public School Board: Keep Smedley ELEMENTARY](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/keepsmedleyelementary/zooRIYT2S5GxIbm6Ws9f_KeepSmedley-label.jpg)
Denver Public School Board: Keep Smedley ELEMENTARY
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Denver Public Schools administration is developing plans to turn Smedley Elementary School (4250 Shoshone) into a high school. The DPS administration has not provided any information, or sought any reaction, from Sunnyside residents or from it's registered neighborhood association, Sunnyside United Neighbors, Inc. (SUNI).
We, the undersigned Sunnyside parents and community members, oppose the reuse of Smedley Elementary as a high school (public or charter).
We, the undersigned Sunnyside parents and community members, support the reopening of Smedley Elementary School as a neighborhood elementary school serving Sunnyside and its surrounding neighborhoods.
En Espanol:
La Administración de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver está desarrollando planes para activar LaEscuela Elementaria Smedley(4250 Shoshone) en una escuela secundaria. La administración deDPS no ha suministrado ninguna información o buscado la reacción de los residentes o de laregistrada Asociación de vecinos de Sunnyside, Sunnyside United vecinos, Inc. (SUNINosotros, Los padres de Sunnyside firmantes y miembros de la Comunidad, nos oponemos a lareutilización de La Escuela Elementaria Smedley como una escuela secundaria.
Nosotros, los abajo firmantes Sunnyside padres y miembros de la comunidad , apoyamos la reapertura de la Escuela Primaria Smedley como una escuela primaria de barrio que sirve Sunnyside y sus barrios aledaños .
for more information visit:
Sunnyside United Neighbors, Inc. (SUNI) is a nonprofit volunteer organization composed of residents, businesses, schools, and churches that reside or are located within the boundaries of the Sunnyside neighborhood in Historic Northwest Denver.
Our intent is for a group of people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds to join together in harmony, mutual respect and peace with the purpose of planning and building for the future, improving the present, and preserving and restoring the past of the Sunnyside neighborhood.
For more information about Smedley Elementary and Sunnyside United Neighbors, Inc (SUNI), visit out website: http://SunnysideDenver.org
If you share our concern for the future of Smedley Elementary, please send an email to SaveOurSmedley@sunnysidedenver.org. As Sunnyside's Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO), we will do our best to keep you informed via email when there are important updates about the school.