Petition against any proposal to move/close Watermoor School Cirencester
This is a petition against any plans to move or close Watermoor C of E Primary Cirencester.
If a new school is built on the Kingshill development there will be too many school places in Cirencester so one school must shut. According to the powers that be that is, even though many parents have struggled for school places.
Watermoor is a school that takes on kids that the others won't and is in the middle of the 2 main estates. Shutting it would force so many families to move to the already full bigger schools who would not be able to offer the close one on one teaching needed by a lot of the children.
This is a school badly needed by its community. Let the other bigger schools move they would be far better off and invest in Watermoor to help it to carry on helping those kids with more specialist needs.
Say NO to plans to move/close Watermoor!
(NOTE- If you have already signed the petition handed around the playground there is no need to sign this one as well)