Kershaw Park - The Need For A Preschool Play Structure

Recently, a new playground structure was installed in Kershaw Park, a neighbourhood pocket park in the Willowgrove area (located between Muzyka Road and Patrick Lane). The structure is not able to be used independently by preschool and young elementary aged children. This play structure would be more suitable next to an elementary school in a neighborhood core park where it is more likely to be used by older children. In the City of Saskatoon's Administrative Policy Park Development Guidelines, it specifically states that play structures in neighbourhood pocket parks are intended for preschool aged children. We therefore request that the existing play structure be moved to a more suitable area likely to be used by older children, and replaced with a play structure to meet the needs of preschool aged children in the south Willowgrove community. If you support the need for a more suitable play structure, please add your signature below.