Kingston University - Elior
This petition has been created so that students at KU can show the university just how many of us are disappointed and upset with our catering suppliers on campus, Elior. For a long time we have been complaining about the prices of the canteen food as well as the quality, yet nothing is done about these complaints.
Recently it has come to light that as well as providing an awful service to students, Elior also do not respect the University’s policy on Modern Slavery. The staff who give us our canteen food and stand at the checkout tills are paid £7.20 an hour which is below the London Living Wage as well as the National Living Wage. The Student Union pay their staff £9.40 an hour and the University pay students a similar wage (has been subject to change). There have also been issues with Elior staff working overtime and not being paid for this despite this being written into their contracts.
A university is meant to be a place of ethics and we believe that it is unethical behaviour of an institution to employ a supplier/company who are unable to treat their staff in accordance with the KU Modern Slavery policy.
Please sign this petition to get our voices heard and influence management at KU to make a change and pay their staff the London Living Wage.