Stop Kingston Cliffs Subdivision
We, the undersigned residents, property owners and regular visitors of the Kingston Peninsula, draw the attention of Royal District Planning Commission to the following: THAT the Kingston Cliffs development is clearly not in keeping with the rural lifestyle and sense of community that currently exists on the Peninsula; and THAT there are strong environmental, transportation, water and sewage and particularly economic concerns for a development of this size built on rocky terrain with very steep slopes. THEREFORE your petitioners call upon the Royal District Planning Commission to ensure that this subdivision is not approved, as per the guidelines of the Community Planning Act. The Provincial Subdivision Regulation vests in the Commission, the right to refuse approval of a subdivision plan, if in its opinion, and in the opinion of the development officer, the land is not suited for the purpose for which it is intended, or is not economically suited for the intended use, or may not be reasonably expected to be used for that purpose within a reasonable time after the subdivision plan is approved. This development is clearly not suited for its intended purpose, nor is it economically viable.