Kinsley Best little Dog Park in Kansas

This petition, supported by the undersigned, is directed to the City of Kinsley KS.
Its goal is to support the construction of an enclosed, off-leash dog park in a centralized, convenient location within the Kinsley South park. A full proposal is currently being developed that will be presented to the City of Kinsley along with this petition.
This park would be a designated area where residents and their well-behaved canine citizens can exercise and have fun in a clean, safe environment. We want to create a beautiful, well-maintained space open to all dog lovers and friends who will be willing to uphold the park’s rules and restrictions. This park will be designed to satisfy the needs of dog-owners and non-dog owners alike. We aim for this park to be a community project, supported in large part by volunteer dog advocates and maintained in partnership with the City of Kinsley KS.
In many cities, dog parks are very common. You can view the list of dog parks in each city and state by visiting this website: https://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/50-best-dog-parks-us/slide-29. However, there are no public dog parks anywhere within a 20 minute drive of Kinsley! The large number and success of dog parks all over the country demonstrate that when a group of concerned and responsible dog owners work together for a leash-free dog park, not only can this concept work but it can thrive and enrich the community.
And could entice people driving though to stop and enjoy our towns other services.