Kirkland City Council needs to stick to the agreed upon 20 year plan
The city should focus on our 20 yr plan and meet the growth targets agreed upon for each neighborhood from our Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in December 2015. This plan is also important to follow since our growth plan includes street, park, water/ sewer and other facility improvements to keep up with the planned growth over the next 20 years. Additionally the role of the Capital Facilities Plan in the Comprehensive Planning process is to match the long term public infrastructure investments with the planned growth in the city over the next 20 years.
We have already agreed upon Alternative 2. Which can be found at
"2035 Alternative 2 (Totem Lake/Downtown Focus) – This alternative would further focus future development into the city’s two major growth centers: Totem Lake and the CBD"
"Under Alternative 2, the Totem Lake/Downtown Focus Alternative, an estimated 8,361 additional housing units would be developed. These units would be distributed throughout the city, with 15.9% in the CBD, 2.3% in Neighborhood Centers, 41.2% in Totem Lake, and 40.7% in other areas of the city."
"Neighborhood centers such as Bridle Trails, Houghton, Kingsgate, Rose Hill and Juanita would experience no new multifamily residential development, relative to the No Action Alternative; multifamily uses in these areas would remain at single-story intensities, even though existing zoning allows maximum heights ranging from 30-67 feet. New housing growth would instead occur in the CBD or in Totem Lake."
Source for this Growth by neighborhood
"Throughout 2013 and 2015, Kirkland leaders engaged with residents in a conversation about the City’s future. Neighbors, business owners, community groups and students have been participating in important conversations about land use, transportation, parks, open space and other vital services.
This conversation, known as "Kirkland 2035: Your Voice. Your Vision. Your Future." integrated public involvement for not only the Comprehensive Plan update but several long-range plans.
On December 8, 2015, the City Council adopted the General Elements of the Comprehensive Plan, Neighborhood Plans and Citizen Amendment Requests, the Totem Lake Business District Plan, the official Land Use and Zoning Maps, and changes to the Kirkland Zoning Code and Kirkland Municipal Code.
Updating Kirkland’s Comprehensive Plan was central to the Kirkland 2035 conversation. The Comprehensive Plan is a requirement of the Growth Management Act (GMA). It’s a document that looks toward a 20-year horizon for Kirkland. Its core purpose is to help define—through goals, objectives and policies—how Kirkland should best manage traffic, accommodate forecasted household and job growth, and provide open space and recreational opportunities and other vital services. For Kirkland, it was time to update its Comprehensive Plan to bring into focus the vision for Kirkland for the year 2035. "
The plan specifically states "However, any of the Growth Alternatives would result in increased traffic volumes, congestion, and conflicts among travel modes. These effects of growth on the traveling public are considered substantial and unavoidable"
Additionally we have a sales tax increase of .1% on the November 2018 ballot because the pace of growth is creating more demands for service beyond the revenue the city will receive from this growth. Why should we go over our growth targets when the city will just have to ask for a sales tax increase again in a few years?
"The Council’s goal of keeping Kirkland Safe, Inclusive and Welcoming is challenged as Kirkland experiences unprecedented economic growth and redevelopment. The Planning Department identifies over 4,500 residential units and over two million square feet of commercial and institutional development currently under construction or at some phase in the permitting process." "The City has implemented effective economic development strategies to replace the lost annexation sales tax revenue but the pace of growth is creating new demands for service beyond the potential revenues from those strategies. Source -
Sign this petition if you agree that:
The city council should stick to our 20 year comprehensive plan of 8,361 housing units. As the plan states "Kirkland 2035: Your Voice. Your Vision. Your Future." Especially since our current growth plan of 8,361 units will result in increased traffic volumes, congestion, and increased sales taxes.
Stay with the existing zoning in our neighborhoods. We do not want overgrowth and excessive density in our neighborhoods.
Please think about the current residents who have chosen to live in Kirkland because of the small town feel and quality of life. Please do not crowd us in! We understand that growth is inevitable as Kirkland is a desirable place to live and work; however, as elected officials of the residents, we urge the council to listen to their constituents’ and follow our 2035 growth plan. Residents should come before developers!