Kiwi Roadhouse Petition of Support

Kia Ora Friends and neighbors.
This is a request for a signature of support in favor of our new family restaurant in obtainining a liquor license. We have created up to 40 jobs with this business opening during a year of economic hard times but can only survive with the help of liquor sales.
We are an establishment strongly involved with the local churches, schools and other non profit organisations. We believe that being involved in the community is not only a benefit to the Island but should also be a requirement for a small close knit Island such as our own. We are all friends and family in one sense or another.
We support our local Police department, our Firemen and E.M.T. We are instrumental in trying to establish a strong neighborhood watch to protect both our premises and our residential neighbors property.
We thank you for you continued support and trust you will enjoy our New Zealand style comfort food, served to you with Kiwi friendliness.
Most Sincerely,
Waren Stone: Owner
Katherine Le Van: Manager
The Kiwi Roadhouse
Located in The South Maui Center,
95 E. Lipoa Street, Suite 101
Kihei, Maui Hawaii 96753
808 874 1250
PLEASE... Do not sign if you have already done so on the hand held petition available at the restaurant. Again many Thanks and Mahalo
Kiwi Roadhouse Facebook page