Knockanstockan extra date petition.
Greetings all! As most of you are aware, the knockanstockan crew have decided to have this years festival a day short to ease the workload on the crew/volunteers, for cheaper tickets and to ensure the festival can continue on for years to come which is completely understandable. But i'm sure most you, like myself, are avid Knockan goers and lovers of the festival, you'll agree that while two days are better than none, three is what makes this festivals experience what it is!
This petition is not to challenge, nor go against the decisions of the crew, but to show them that even though the tickets might be an extra few shillins, it's worth it and us Knockaners are more than willing pay to have the extra date! The festival has grown not only in popularity but in quality over the years justifying any rise in ticket prices, simply meaning, you get your moneys worth! (and you really do)
We all love this little shindig and (especially myself) have the utmost of appreciation for all the hard work and care put in by the crew, volunteers, artists/bands, photographers, fans, security and everything in between! And we all want to see this last as long as possible, for as many years that it can, but we also want the knockan weekend to last as long as possible, even if it means paying an extra few beans.
Now if it's a case that it's simply impossible to have the extra date, we still love you all at Knockan HQ for compromising instead of giving upand as i said, two days is better than none, but the usual 3 would be lovely!
Rant mode deactivating now, but sign the petition, share it all over the interwebs and help make knockanstockan as epic a weekend as always!