KTOWN PARK! Here! Now!
Danny Park 0

KTOWN PARK! Here! Now!

124 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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124 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Imagine a central park in LA's Koreatown, where working people, families, and couples can gather, eat lunch, take a walk, stroll or jog, read, play, enjoy the sunshine. . . .

Imagine a new park in the heart of the city, where Angelenos can enjoy some green space even as they enjoy the urban cool of Koreatown.

Koreatown, Los Angeles is one of the most park-poor areas in the entire nation. The community has designed a beautiful, multi-use park for the empty lot at Wilshire, Hobart, and 7th Streets. The project has already won $5 million in state funds. More is needed to acquire the lot and complete the project.

With Councilmember Wesson's and the City Council's support, we can make it happen.

Dear Councilmember Wesson and LA City Council:

Community residents, workers, children and professionals want and need a public park and green space in Koreatown. With your support, we can build a beautiful central park on the lot at Wilshire, Hobart, and 7th Streets. We join KIWA and other Koreatown constituents in urging you to make this park a reality.

엘에이 한인타운의 중앙 공원을 상상해 보세요. 가족과 연인, 또는 한인타운에서 일하는 이들이 함께 모여 점심을 즐기고, 산책도 하고, 조깅하고, 책도 보고, 운동 하고, 햇볕도 즐길 수 있는 그런 곳 말입니다.
엘에이 도시 심장부에 위치할 새로운 공원을 상상해보세요. 엘에이 사람들이 한인타운의 멋진 도시 생활을 즐기면서 공원의 푸른 공간도 함께 즐길 수 있는 그런 곳 말입니다.
엘에이 한인타운은 미국내에서 공원 녹지가 가장 부족한 곳으로 손꼽힙니다. 현재 한인타운에 공원을 건립하기 위해 캘리포니아주로부터 이미 5백만 달러를 지원받은 상황입니다. 하지만 현재 주차장으로 사용되고 있는 공간을 공원 부지로 확보하고, 남은 공원 사업을 완성시키기 위해서 여러분의 더 큰 지원과 도움이 필요합니다.
시의회 의원인 웨슨씨와 엘에이 시의회의 도움으로 우리는 이 공원 사업을 완성시킬 수 있습니다.
웨슨 시의원과 엘에이 시의회 여러분께,
한인타운에 사는 주민, 근로자, 아이들, 전문직 종사자 모두는 타운 내 공원과 녹지를 원하고 필요로 하고 있습니다. 여러분의 도움으로 우리는 윌셔, 호바트, 7가에 위치한 주차장 자리에 아름다운 한인타운 중앙 공원을 건립할 수 있습니다. 우리는 한인타운노동연대 그리고 한인타운 유권자들과 힘을 합쳐 이 사업이 현실로 이뤄질 수 있도록 엘에이 시에 강력히 촉구합니다.


Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance. KIWA's mission is to build a multiracial worker/resdient COMMUNITY UNION with the power to transform our workplaces and communities in Koreatown and to affect broad change throughout the greater Los Angeles area. We build power for systemic change by organizing and building a base of Koreatown workers and residents across industries, issues, and racial and ethnic communities. KIWA's Koreatown Equitable Development Standards All development in Koreatown must: 1. Seek and include meaningful participation of Koreatown residents, including low-income communities and communities of color, in decision-making for neighborhood development. 2. Respect existing community assets, including current residents, social networks, historic sites and landmarks. 3. Help reduce social and economic disparities among individuals and social groups in Koreatown neighborhood and the larger LA Metro area. 4. Improve infrastructure and appearance of the neighborhood and must include other upgrades to the neighborhood. 5. Ensure that investment benefits current residents, businesses, and cultural institutions through community benefits like amenities that serve or are owned by current residents. 6. Preserve affordability through the development of affordable units or cooperatives that are accessible for Koreatown residents, including renters. 7. Provide opportunities for small and local business development and promote alternative models to market development; 8. Preserve the current residential base and must reduce direct or indirect residential displacement risks. 9. Ensure community access to opportunities resulting from development, including those for employment, education, and safe, affordable housing shared equally by community residents.


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