Labour Women's Declaration LWD 0


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The Labour Party and trades union movement has a proud history of struggle against the exploitation of women. It has stood for the rights of women in work and public life and for the safeguarding of girls. We, the undersigned, declare that:

1. Women and girls are subject to discrimination and oppression on the basis of their sex.

2. Women have the right to freedom of belief, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly (Articles 18, 19 and 20 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights).

3. Women have the right to discuss policies which affect them, without being abused, harassed or intimidated.

4. Women have the right to maintain their sex-based protections, as set out in the Equality Act 2010. These include female-only spaces such as changing rooms, hospital wards, sanitary and sleeping accommodation, refuges, hostels and prisons.

5. Women have the right to participate in single-sex sports, to ensure fairness and safety at all levels of competition.

6. Women have the right to organise themselves, as a sex, across a range of cultural, leisure, educational and political activities.

7. We condemn all attempts to undermine or limit the rights of women to self-organise and call on the Labour Party and the trades union movement to actively support these essential freedoms.

We are signing this declaration in a personal capacity. We are Labour Party supporters, members, activists, trade unionists and include nationally and locally elected representatives and officers.


PLEASE NOTE: we do NOT receive your e-mail address when you sign the petition. If you would like to be kept up-to-date with the work and activities of the Labour Women's Declaration working group, and actions you can take, please e-mail us at

For more information about the Labour Women's Declaration and the campaign behind it, please visit our website



Cllr Mary McGarry Cardiff Central CLP

Cllr Sue Lent Cardiff Central CLP

Cllr Iona Gordon Cardiff West CLP

Cllr Georgia Cruickshank Dundee CLP

Cllr Charlie Malone Dundee CLP

Cllr George McIrvine Dundee CLP

Cllr Michael Marra Dundee CLP

Cllr Carol Angharad Mid Derbyshire CLP Secretary, Branch Chair

Cllr Teresa Cairns Newcastle East CLP

Cllr Rebecca Shatwell, Newcastle East CLP

Cllr Ann Schofield Newcastle Central CLP, CLP Women’s Officer

Cllr Nigel Todd Newcastle Central CLP

Cllr Terry Barrow Penistone and Stocksbridge CLP

Cllr Amy Brookes Rother Valley CLP Chair

Cllr Louise Paine St Just in Penwith Town Councillor

Cllr Nina Killen Sefton Central CLP

Cllr Vincent Carroll Tottenham CLP

Cllr James Chiriyankandath Tottenham CLP

Cllr Julie Davies Tottenham CLP

Cllr Ruth Gordon Tottenham CLP

Cllr Makbule Gunes Tottenham CLP

Cllr Sarah James Tottenham CLP

Cllr Yvonne Say Tottenham CLP

Linda Bellos OBE South Norfolk CLP, Equality Law Specialist, Diversity Trainer

Vivien Hayes MBE Lifelong Labour Supporter

Geraldine Ling MBE Blaydon CLP, Co-Chair CLP Women's Forum

(The signatories below are listed in alphabetical order by surname)

Samira Abdi Newport West CLP

Hilary Adams Tottenham CLP, Trade Union Activist and Community Campaigner

Dani Ahrens Brighton Pavilion CLP

Susan Aitouaziz Thurrock CLP

Lynn Alderson Totnes & South Hams CLP Chair

Florence Allaway Hornsey & Wood Green CLP

John Armstrong Holborn and St Pancras CLP, UCU rep

Julie Armstrong Gateshead CLP

Sophie Atherton South Thanet CLP

Dr Maria Atkins Consultant Psychiatrist Wales, Labour supporter

Prof Rosemary Auchmuty Tottenham CLP

Karen Austin Sheffield Central CLP

Beth Aze Stretford & Urmston CLP

Allison Bailey Barrister

Ruth Barker Blaydon CLP, Retired Children's Services Manager

Kym Barlow Carmarthenshire East and Dinefwr CLP

Shana Begum Unite, Domestic Abuse Rehabilitation Coach & School Governor

Nicola Benge Brighton Pavilion CLP

Dr Shereen Benjamin Edinburgh Eastern CLP, UCU

Anita Bennett Bristol West CLP

Rosey Bennett Heywood and Middleton CLP, Branch Treasurer

Dr Abby Bentham Stockport CLP, UCU

Judith Berridge Colne Valley CLP

Catherine Bjarnason Ealing Southall CLP

Louise Bond

Alice Bondi Penrith and the Border CLP, Branch Vice-Chair

Jackie Booth Sheffield Central CLP

Joanna Bornat Hornsey and Wood Green CLP

Paula Boulton Corby and East Northants CLP

Claire Brierley Unite Rep

Rosie Brocklehurst Hastings & Rye CLP

Rebecca Brueton Lifelong Labour Supporter

Carmel Cadden Tottenham CLP

Lynne Caffrey Blaydon CLP

Gail Cameron Lewisham West and Penge CLP

Helen Cameron Sheffield Heeley CLP

Jo Campbell Health Professional

Annette Catherine Bristol West CLP

Ali Ceesay Feminist Activist

Maureen Chadwick Writer/Producer

Natasha Chaudhury Camberwell and Peckham CLP, NEU

Gerald Clark Camden NEU

Nick Claxton South Thanet CLP

Nicola Clements Stafford CLP

Helena Coates Salford and Eccles CLP, Branch Chair

Dave Cocks Islwyn CLP, Branch Vice-Secretary

Samantha Coleman Sheffield

Nick Collins Labour Supporter

Neil Conlock Withington CLP

Ruth Conlock Withington CLP

Sinead Connolly Gosport CLP

Michael Conroy Director of Men At Work, (Anti-Violence & Anti-sexism Training)

Sarah Cooksley Sefton CLP

Stephanie Cosson Rochdale CLP

Clare Crestani Bath CLP, Branch Women's Officer

Susan Dalgety Writer and Columnist, Former Labour Cllr & Staff

Simon Danby Penrith & The Border CLP, Unite

Paula Dauncey Cardiff Central CLP, Unite

Bronwen Davies Cardiff North CLP

Titus Davies Labour Supporter

Nicholas Davies Hastings and Rye CLP

Prof Mary Davis

Rose Dentus Unite South East Wales (Retired)

Cathy Devine Withington CLP

Ruth Dineen Cardiff HEA Teaching Fellow

Shernaz Dinshaw Canterbury CLP

Emma Dolan Leeds NE CLP

Cindy Douglas Aberdeenshire South CLP

Vicky Drew North East Somerset CLP, Branch Chair.

Keith Dunn Tottenham CLP

Lesley Durkin Corby and East Northants CLP

Kathy Dyson Bradford CLP, Chair Musicians Union NEC

Sandra Easton-Lawrence

Dr Jessica Eaton Psychologist, Senior Lecturer in Criminal Psychology

Meg Edgoose-Clubley Sedgefield

Vicky Edwards

Jayne Egerton Radio Producer

Ginny Eldridge Cardiff South & Penarth CLP

Dr Mark Ellerby Tottenham CLP

Dr Fiona English Tottenham CLP, Branch Chair,

Debbie Epstein Cambridge CLP, Disability Officer

Louise Evan-Wong Hexham CLP, Unison, Black Labour Group

Bronwen Evans Ceredigion CLP

Caroline Ezzat Hornchurch and Upminster CLP, NEU

Elizabeth Frankland

Sheila Franklin Macclesfield CLP, Women's Officer

Prof Rosa Freedman Law School, University of Reading

Marta Garcia de La Vega Tottenham CLP

Bernice Garlick Stretford and Urmston CLP

Jen Garnett Labour Party member, Concerned Mother

Patricia Garside

Vivien Giladi Enfield North CLP, Unite Community

Esther Giles Bristol North West CLP, Secretary

Jayne Margaret Gill Retired Solicitor/Legal Adviser

Marlyn Glen Dundee CLP, former MSP

Shonagh Glen Dundee City East CLP

David Gourley St Ives CLP

Judith Green Cambridge CLP

Kay Green Hastings & Rye CLP, founder member Rise Above Gender

Pat Gregory Cardiff West CLP, Unite Community

James Griffiths Bristol East CLP Chair

Sian Griffiths Retired firefighter, Ex FBU Women's Action C'ttee Sec & Chair

David Grove Unite

Sibyl Grundberg Tottenham CLP

Annie Gwillym Walker Islwyn CLP, Joint Women’s Officer

D.C. Hansell

Paula Hardy Kangelos Stretford & Urmston CLP

Louise Harris Keighley CLP

Scarlet Harris Walthamstow CLP

Kristina Harrison NHS Paramedic, Unison

Jennifer Harvey Feminist Blogger & Activist

Lin Harwood Newcastle Central CLP

Jean Hatchet Feminist Activist, ‘Ride For Murdered Women’

Richard Hawkins Tottenham CLP

Dr Debbie Hayton Birmingham Selly Oak CLP

Sue Hayward

Mark Head Tottenham CLP

Gail Heath Stretford & Urmston CLP

Michael Herbert Socialist, Historian, Unite

Louise Hersee Hastings & Rye CLP, Political Education Officer

Jo Hill Telford CLP, Unite Community

Margaret Hinchcliffe Mid Derbyshire CLP

Cydney Hippisley-Drew North East Somerset CLP

Kath Hodson Islwyn CLP Vice-Chair, Branch Secretary

Diane Holyoak North Somerset CLP

Caroline Horne NEU member

Dee Howard Hastings & Rye CLP

Nina Howle Labour Supporter, Unite

Karen Ingala Smith MVAWG sector CEO, Co-founder Femicide Census

Stephanie Irvine Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP

Pam Isherwood Tottenham CLP

Kate Israel North Tyneside CLP

Jen Izaakson Richmond Park CLP

Andrea Jackson, Altrincham and Sale West CLP.

Helen Jackson Islwyn CLP Women's Officer (Joint).

Mike Jackson Islwyn CLP Policy Officer, Unison Shop Steward

Moyra Jean Derbyshire Dales Labour Party

Kate Jerrold Bristol East CLP, Secretary

Jonathan Jewell

Cerian John Cardiff Central CLP, Women’s Officer

Amy Johnson

Sarah Johnson Cambridge CLP, joint Womens Officer

Cath Jones Islwyn CLP, Branch Secretary

Diane Jones Unite Community

Jane Clare Jones Writer and Philosopher

Joan Judson Cardiiff North CLP

Shani Kara Tottenham CLP

Dr Tessa Katz Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP, NHS worker

Hugh Kelly Blaydon CLP

Gill Knight

Carolyn Kyle Blaydon CLP

Johann Lamont Member of The Scottish Parliament

Maureen Langan Cardiff Central CLP

Stephanie Lawler UCU

Olwen Leavold Unison Retired member

Josephine Leibrant West Worcestershire CLP, Women's Officer, Branch Secretary

Rowan Leigh

John Lent Unison Rhondda Cynon Taf (Retired)

David Lewis Basingstoke CLP ,(suspended member)

Linda Liptrot

Jim Littlejohn Hastings & Rye CLP

Rebecca Lush

Stacey Lyon Lifelong Labour Supporter, Civil Servant

Dr Amanda MacLean Tottenham CLP, GMB

Dr Gale Macleod Edinburgh East CLP

Sona Mahtani Tottenham CLP

Annie Mainwaring Unite

Lisa Markham

Jenny Marra Member of The Scottish Parliament

Alix Martin Penrith & The Border CLP

Mary Mason Hornsey and Wood Green CLP, Women's Officer, Branch Chair

Lucy Masoud Barrister

Jillian Mccormick

Linsey McIrvine Dundee CLP

Matesa McKeefery Rossendale and Darwen CLP

Ann McTaggart Tottenham CLP

Stefania Mele Unison

Catherine Mills Dundee West CLP

Dr Lewis Moonie Consultant Psychiatrist (Retired) and former Labour Peer

Prof Michele Moore Sheffield Hallam CLP, UCU, Academic and Author

Ann Morch Calderdale CLP

Alison Morris Rochdale CLP

Hayley Mullen Tottenham CLP

Catherine Muller Vauxhall CLP

Annie Murphy GMB

Tessa Murphy GMB

Helen Murrell Newcastle East CLP, Branch Women’s Officer

R Myers NEU

Lorraine Nutt Dundee East

Maureen O'Hara UCU

Therese O'Meara Tottenham CLP, Women's Officer

Margaret Page Bristol West CLP

Pat Page Dundee CLP

Sarah Panzetta Holborn and St Pancras CLP.

Gill Parke Bournemouth East CLP, Unison

M Parker Unison

Chris Parkin Dundee East CLP

Lynne Patterson Bristol West CLP

Jan Pemberton Bristol West CLP

Clare Phillipson Washington and Sunderland West CLP, GMB

Sonia Poulton Journalist and Broadcaster

Julia Price Hastings & Rye CLP

Sally Pyner Camborne and Redruth CLP Unite

Sue Quinn Aziz Cardiff South and Penarth CLP

Neda Radulovic-Viswanatha Richmond Park CLP, Joint Vice Chair Membership

Christopher Reason

Andrew Reed Smith Dundee East CLP, Branch Secretary

Delyth Rennie Richmond (Yorks) CLP, NAPO

Liz Reynolds North East Derbyshire CLP Killamarsh branch.

Gwenan Richards Vauxhall CLP

Frankie Rickford Shrewsbury and Atcham CLP

Helen Riley Hornsey and Wood Green CLP, Branch Chair and Women's Officer

Lorraine Roberts Tottenham CLP, Branch Sec

Lorraine Robinson York Central CLP

Helen Rogers Bury North CLP, Women’s Officer

Nick Rogers Tottenham CLP Chair

Pauline Rourke Dundee CLP Chair

Christopher Rowe Labour Supporter

Manuel Ruiz-Adame Tottenham CLP

Deborah Rushton Ceredigion CLP

Christine Russell Former Labour MP, City of Chester

Dr Hannah Ryan Liverpool Riverside CLP

Janee Sa Eastbourne CLP

Ian Saunders Carmarthenshire East and Dinefwr CLP

Joy Saunders Carmarthenshire East and Dinefwr CLP, Unite

Ruth Serwotka Carmarthenshire East and Dinefwr CLP

Ann Seuret East Surrey CLP

Jane Shallice Hornsey & Wood Green CLP, NEU

Barbara Simpson Cardiff Central CLP

Elaine Smith Member of The Scottish Parliament

Jennifer Smith Bury North CLP, Women’s Organiser

Tracey Smith Sheffield Central CLP

Elaine Snaith Newcastle East CLP

Helen Soutar Stafford CLP

Sheila Spencer North Tyneside CLP, Branch Vice-chair

Marion Sporing Dundee East and West CLPs Joint Secretary

Caroline Spry Tottenham CLP, Film/TVProducer

Anne Stafford

Sara Stewart Corby and East Northants CLP, Unison

Prof Kathleen Stock Academic Philosopher

Prof Judith Suissa Finchley & Golders Green CLP, UCU

Prof Alice Sullivan Holborn and St Pancras CLP, UCU Rep

Claire Sumner Canterbury CLP

Lisa-Marie Taylor Bradford CLP

Annie Thomas Bristol West CLP

Kim Thomas Welwyn Hatfield CLP

Sue Thorne Islwyn CLP, Secretary, Branch Secretary

Prof Selina Todd Withington CLP, President of the Socialist Educational Association

Ruth Todd Newcastle Central CLP

Dr Georgina Toye Labour supporter

Paul Tracy

Pilgrim Tucker Vauxhall CLP

Hugh Tunks South Norfolk CLP

Kiri Tunks Walthamstow CLP

Wendy Tunks South Norfolk CLP

Cathy Turner Cardiff Central CLP, Unison

Hazel Turner-Lyons Cardiff Central CLP

Alison Twells Sheffield Hallam CLP

Julia Van Coevorden Hastings & Rye CLP

Dianne Vine Bournemouth East CLP

Lindsay Wall Bristol NW CLP

Joy Wallace Hornsey & Wood Green CLP, BAME Officer

Lorna Ward Dundee East CLP

Rod Webb Hastings & Rye CLP

Maggie Wellington Stretford and Urmston CLP

Jenny Wilkes Gorton CLP

Roy Wilkes Bury South CLP

Jo Williams

Ceri Williams Tottenham CLP, Branch Chair

Jessica Winkler Unison.

Diane Winn

Jim Wood Cardiff Central CLP

Michele Wood Cardiff Central CLP, Unison

Natasha Wood West Dorset CLP, Woman's officer

Wendy Wood Hexham CLP, Branch Membership Secretary

Beverley Woodburn Hackney North and Stoke Newington CLP

Alison Wren Bristol East CLP, NEU retired

Judith Wright Bromley and Chislehurst CLP

Nia Wyn Lloyd Cardiff North CLP Unison, Women's Officer/Welfare Officer

Miranda Yardley Human Rights Activist

Katherine Zeserson Blaydon CLP, Cultural Activist

Tania Ziegler NEU Officer

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