LAquila Renaissance
We hereby call on the Italian government & all charities working to help the victims of L'Aquila and her surrounding hill villages: 1. To ensure that all planned development fully considers the long-term prosperity for the region and her future generations rather than the application of a ‘quick-fix’. 2. To re-build gloriously, embellishing & calling on the city and hill villages historical and cultural past. 3. To NEITHER create or deliver an unfinished urban suburb or ghetto. 4. To invest all donated funds & grants wisely in 100% legitimate companies who have been fully investigated & vetted by a wholly independent 3rd party body. 5. To ensure that all contracts have rigid dates of completion & fines are applied & recompensed for any late delivery. 6. That upon completion all building works are tested by an independent commission to ensure that there is NEVER any repeat of the illegitimate building practices which resulted in so many needless deaths in L’Aquila and her hill villages. 7. To immediately prosecute each and any builder, geometra, engineer & architect & any of their known working associates if sub-standard building practices are discovered. 8. To replace bureaucracy and the need for corruption with guaranteed independence & so free-up the renaissance of the region of L’Aquila.