Latrell "The American Dream" Sprewell for NBA Hall of Fame
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Latrell Spreewell deserves to be in the NBA Hall of Fame for being a class-act, solid All-Star caliber player day in day out throughout his entire lengthy career. His thuggish presence on the court scared the competition
Career Highlights:
*Playing for the Golden State Warriors, he choked out P.J. Carlesimo
*Playing against the Los Angeles Clippers, he told fans to "suck my d***"
*Infamously turned out $14-million a year because he "had a family to feed"
Post-Career Highlights:
*Started the trend "Sprees" spinner rims on large scaled Sport Utility Vehicles
*Once proud owner of a rim shop on Rosemead Blvd.
*Many once proud residencies now in Foreclosure