Legalize Cannabis (marijuana) in Curaçao

I, Ras Mozes, Chairman of the UNIA, want the legalization of Cannabis, better known as Marijuana for medicinal, industrial, agricultural, spiritual, religious and recreational use.
- People should be free to use Cannabis as a treatment for their different illnesses. Doctors should be able to prescribe it and pharmacies should deliver it on prescription
- Cannabis should be used as a tool for economical development by means of industrial production. The government will get a direct income through tax assessments. Foreign investors will come to Curaçao to develop businesses and factories all over the island. This will create a lot employment. For instance the production of clothes, bricks and houses, fuel for machines etc. Shops and warehouses with industrial Cannabis products will be opened, this will also create employment and a direct income for the government of Curaçao
- The cultivation of Cannabis in agriculture should be stimulated. The climate of Curaçao is very good for the cultivation of Cannabis crops. Cannabis don't need fertilizers and pesticides. The cultivation of Cannabis will improve the quality of the soil. Of course the government will get extra income through tax assessments.
- The use of Cannabis as a religious sacrament and the free use of Cannabis as a mean of meditation should be guaranteed. The freedom of religion should be respected ! Particular for members of the Rastafari movement and the Hindu-religion. In the Bible Cannabis is an essential part of the anointed oil, and is know as Kaneh-Bosm.
- The recreational use of Cannabis should be legalized just as the use of alcohol is legalized. The government should tax it the same way. Coffee-shops as we know it in the Netherlands will attract tourists and this will be an enormous stimulant for the local economy of Curaçao.
- Legalization of Cannabis will stop the enormous loss of revenues, energy and manpower as a result of the 'war against drugs'. The police-department could focus on real crime in stead. Precious prison cells can be used for the incarceration of real criminals.
Ras Mozes,
Chairman Fundashon Universal Negro Improvement Association African Community League