Let's Legalize Service Cats
Cats are capable of many jobs that would normally be given to service dogs. Cats can alert to seizures before they happen, alert to blood sugar changes in those with diabetes, keep those with autism safe and grounded, and many more important jobs. Unfortunately cats are not legal service animals under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Task trained cats deserve the same rights as task trained dogs.
My name is Duckie. I’m 15 years old and have autism, ADD, and severe depression. My cat is task trained to help me with these disabilities. She knows how to alert me before I have a meltdown and keep me safe while a meltdown is happening. However due to the ADA’s definition of service animals she cannot help me out in public where I struggle the most. I need this to change so I can get my life back.
Cats are highly trainable, cheap, quiet, and clean alternatives to dogs. Some people are scared of dogs or can’t afford one. Some may also be allergic. Many disabled people would benefit from a service cat. If cats can help their handlers live a more independent life, then why aren’t they legal?