Legalize Marijuana for medicinal purpose in Kentucky
This petition is being put together in an attempt to elevate the government of the State of Kentucky into a position where they may be able to alleviate the stresses placed upon policing departments, courtrooms, jails, prisons, and citizens of the State of Kentucky, in regards to arrests from the sale and possession of marijuana. By legalizing marijuana medicinally, the State of Kentucky would have a chance to seek violent criminals as well as house these criminals due to the release of non-violent marijuana offenders. This will save the State of Kentucky an exponential amount of money. In addition to this, the State of Kentucky will be able to place a tax on the sale and servicing of all marijuana sold in medicinal dispensaries. This taxed money can be used for any number of things for the State of Kentucky, such as medical services for at-risk youth and adults, outreach and enrichment services for residents, construction for governmental buildings, repair for roadways and bridges, re-opening of amusement parks, business loans from the State Government, and numerous other things; anything, that the State of Kentucky desires. Please, Spread the word about this petition and do all that you can to release the grip held over a natural substance that can be used to aide smokers and non-smokers.