Legalize Pa'i 'ai
This petition is to help Support Daniel Anthony ie: Mana Ai and his efforts in legalizing his production of pa'i 'ai. The DOH does support traditional, cultural food preparations: think of the poultry hanging in the windows of Chinatown butchers without refrigeration, fish cut on wooden boards in sushi bars. But selling hand-pounded pai‘ai is an unprecendented business and the DOH are trying shut D. Anthony down. Anthony’s already got his guard up, a sense of “us” versus “them.” For him part of this fight is for his would-be cohorts, an effort to free his fellow Hawaiian culture practitioners from the burden of government regulation. And a healthy sense of civil disobedience makes the journey more fun without obscuring what’s profound about his underlying mission. At the Hawaii Healing Garden Festival, Anthony gleefully tells people that by eating his pai‘ai, they’re taking part in an illegal activity, as determined by the DOH. “When [the health inspector] told him it was illegal, the first thing that came to his mind were the hundreds of kids that he serve off the board,” Anthony says. “According to the Department of Health, making food the way his ancestors made it is illegal…. this is the cornerstone of our community. If we can’t make poi to feed his community, if we can’t have young men attempt to start a business honoring our tradition, we’re in a lot worse state than we thought we were in.”