Leintwardine Lines
A Leintwardine 0

Leintwardine Lines

36 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
A Leintwardine 0 Comments
36 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We the undersigned object to the planning application by Framptons on Land East of Rosemary (P142215/O) and it should be refused for the following reasons:

§ The proposed development would have a significant and demonstrable adverse impact on the setting of Leintwardine village. This would outweigh any of the benefits of the proposed development and be contrary to Policy LA3 “Setting of Settlements” of the UDP.

§ The proposed development would have a significant and demonstrable adverse impact on the setting of the Scheduled Monument of Bravinium. This would outweigh any of the benefits of the proposed development and be contrary to Policy ARCH3 “Scheduled Ancient Monuments” of the UDP.

§In assessing the impact on the Scheduled Monument the applicant has failed describe the significance of the heritage asset affected, including any contribution made by their setting. This is contrary to paragraph 128 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

§ In failing to describe the significance of the heritage asset affected the applicant has also failed to identify the harm and loss that will be caused through alteration and destruction of the Scheduled Monuments setting. Failure to provide a clear and convincing justification for the development is contrary to para. 132 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

§ This development will involve introducing built form onto the slopes away from the village into the valleys, with a detrimental effect on the character and significance of the Roman settlement of Bravinium Scheduled Monument, and the Leintwardine Conservation Area which maintains a wider boundary than Bravinium. This is substantial harm to a nationally significant area by way of the detrimental effect on the setting. This is directly contrary to Paragraph 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework and to Policies S7 and ARCH3 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan which seek to protect the historic heritage in terms of feature and setting, both built and natural from future development proposals.

§ A development of 57 dwellings, in a rural area, where car ownership is significantly higher due to the lack of public transport, will create an increased number of am and pm peak trips. This coupled with the existing problems associated with Rosemary Lane and the single file areas, will undoubtedly create traffic issues and highway safety problems in the immediate vicinity, leading to pedestrian and vehicular conflict to the detriment of highway safety in the area. This proposal is contrary to Policy S6 of the Herefordshire UDP and Paragraph 32 of the NPPF.

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