The problem before us is that the bureaucrats and some commissioners have a vested interest in keeping as much of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan as possible, as it furthers their insatiable need to micromanage other people’s lives and properties.
According to the Kootenai County Website, the next meeting on the Comp Plan update will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2020. The purpose of that meeting will be for the Board to hold deliberations on the plan; no public comment will be taken that evening. However, written public comments will be accepted until that meeting is held.
That being said, North West Property Owners Alliance is launching a petition drive to send a message to the Board of County Commissioners that we property owners want them to drive a stake into the heart of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan so that it does not rear its ugly, oppressive, regulatory head again. YOU CAN PLAY AN IMPORTANT PART IN DEFEATING REGULATORY OVERREACH BY BOTH SIGNING THE PETITION YOURSELF AND GETTING YOUR FREEDOM-MINDED FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS LIVING IN THE COUNTY TO SIGN IT ALSO.
In addition, if you wish to submit public comments on the Comp Plan Update, please email them to or mail them to:
Board of Commissioners
PO Box 9000
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816