Let Judie Rosa Finish the School Year at SAA

144 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

FINAL UPDATE:This Petition is now closed for voting and commenting. We sincerely thank all 144 petitioners (prophetically, the 144,000). You made history at SAA and we know the power structure has been watching and listening. They are already being forced to reckon with this movement for transparency, democracy, and accountability, and we have only just begun. Meanwhile, please visit our new transparency blog "Eyes on SAA" https://lilyrichmond39.wixsite.com/eyesonsaa

There you can keep up with ongoing reporting on important issues, subscribe to instantly receive emails with each new post on our blog, and contact us to report matters of significance at Spencerville Adventist Academy. We will not keep as secret the important information you should know about, gaslight you with duplicitous press releases, or condescend to you that "all is well and that there's nothing to see here." No way. Not us. Never. We'll be keeping busy building a network of contacts, subscribers, and reporters who will work together to improve a school that we love by "Shining Light. Breaking Silence. Holding Accountable."

-Lillian Hepburn-Richmond (A Cohort of Concerned Parents)



Jesus said the sign that we know Him is if we love one another. Love isn’t an abstract idea. It’s how we treat one another – even when things are complicated and we feel irritated with each other. It’s also when we see a sister treated poorly, whether we are willing to come beside her, stand with her, support her. This petition is about love. Love for SAA. Love for Judie. Love for the rest of the SAA administration. Love for SAA students and families. And expressing that love in a redeeming, Christ-like manner.

Many across the community are concerned that Judie's sudden and unexplained absence from SAA over the past week is disruptive and not in the best interests of our students and teachers as they finish the school year. While her absence is now apparent, we still have received no official word that she is gone, or been given explanations how this was the right decision for our school. This is damaging to the trust placed in the SAA Board and Administration, to whom this Petition is directed:

1. We respectfully request that Judie Rosa be permitted to return and complete the school year to serve the best interests of our children, and in acknowledgement of her years of hard work and sacrifice for the SAA community.

2. We respectfully request a "Town Hall" style meeting with the SAA Board and Administration, for them to explain why there has not been transparency in the past week, and why Judie has seemingly been treated in a manner that to the community appears less than respectful or constructive, or beneficial to our children.

Note: Judie Rosa’s participation with this petition was not sought. This petition is open to anyone, but especially the SAA Community, past or present. It was organized by a cohort of concerned parents using the name “Lillian Hepburn-Richmond.” You may read their concerns here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MVvoTYLBvEXH_p...

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