Whereas, we the undersigned stand against the overt racism and violence recently perpetrated in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Whereas, we acknowledge that our nation has yet to fully address its promise of "freedom and justice for all."
Whereas, we admit that we are a nation of people still struggling with the grand experiment that is being a nation of many and coming together as one.
Whereas, with all that our nation is not, we recognize the efforts made by so many freedom fighters.
Whereas, these courageous individuals who have given their blood, sweat and tears to help our nation live out the promises set forth in our founding documents.
Whereas, we know that we cannot rest on our laurels while there are still elements and factions in our nation whose desire is not unity, but division.
These individuals believe that they have lost as others have gained.
These individuals believe that something is being continually taken from them.
These individuals live in fear and not faith in what is best about our nation.
Be it resolved that all people of good will, who care about the present and future of our republic, will not stand by as people are subjected to the bigotry, racism, hatred and violence that has stained the soil of this nation far too long.
Be it resolved that as God is our witness and our strength, we will not stand idly by as those who promote hate and division win the day.
Be it further resolved that this petition expresses our outrage at the events in Charlottesville, Virginia and our renewed conviction to stand against the hateful actions displayed there.
We call on our local, state and national representatives to stand firm in their resolve to use all resources and power to combat these racists and condemn their acts.
We stand together to seek peace, justice and unity for all people in our nation.